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Semoga humor-humor ini dapat menyegarkan hidup kita, dan memberikan inspirasi untuk produktivitas kita;

Monday, March 28, 2016

MP, an interview


HR : "What is your name?"
Muzo : "MP sir."
HR : "In full please..."
Muzo : "Muzo Phiri."

HR : "Your father's name?"
Muzo : "MP sir."
HR : "What does that mean?"
Muzo : "Melvin Phiri."

HR : "Your native place?"
Muzo : "MP sir."
HR : "What's that?"
Muzo : "Muchinga Province."

HR : "What is your qualification?"
Muzo : "MP."
HR : (angry�) "What is thaaattt ??? !!!"
Muzo : "Mathematics Professor"

HR : "So why do you need a job?"
Muzo : "It is because of MP sir."
HR : "Meaning?"
Muzo : "Money Problems."

HR : "Would you explain yourself and stop wasting my time? What's your personality like?"
Muzo : "MP sir..."
HR : "And what is that??"
Muzo : "Marvelous Personality."

HR : "What is your favourite film?"
Muzo : "MP sir..."
HR : "And what is that??"
Muzo : "Melrose Place"

HR : "I see... I will get back to you..."
Muzo : "Sir, how was my MP sir?"
HR : "And what's that again?"
Muzo : "My Performance.."
HR : "I think u hv an MP.."
Muzo : "M.e.a.n.i.n.g?"
HR : "Mental Problem!!!"

Don't laugh alone...
Send to friends.......
I am almost MP too, reading this !!!
Mau Pingsan !!!


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